Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a mixed kind of day for me.  i want to honor my mother and let her know how very much i love her and how much she means to me.  i want to tell my friends what great moms they are and how awesome their kids are.  i want to embrace my sister in law and thank her for marrying my crazy wonderful brother and bringing two gorgeous girls into the world, that i get to be Auntie!  i want to even say to the mother's of my adopted sisters and brothers, 'thank you' for not having an abortion...thank you for signing over your parental rights because the children you gave birth to have enriched our family and my own life by measures still unknown.

It's also a hard day for me sometimes as i realize over and over that motherhood is not something i will mostly likely be able to experience (though i've been urged by some co-workers to have a one-night stand and get preganant that way...yean, great plan guys...)


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