Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where in the world is ME?

(how is that for creative use of the english language?)

So it has been a very long time since i have felt like blogging. i was in quite a slump both personally and professionally and did not feel that i had anything to share, even for myself. Unemployment, though very freeing, has been a bit of a strain and though i think i can make it, it is still unnerving. However, i do feel that everything is going to be ok....will keep going till i can't go anymore...then i will live under a bridge...see how that will all work out?

i have, howver, kept trolling on everyones blogs and one that i read this morning kinda gave me a kick in the rear to get me going again. The writer asked her readers what do we do every single day to nourish our souls...??? depressed? worry about finances? yeah, no.

i used to be very good at nourishing my soul but kinda got off track. So here is to a new beginning of really enjoying life, no matter what is going on. i mean really enjoying it. No more moping around feeling sorry for myself because that does not at all nourish deplete you.

Having my niece around (just turned 1 yr) truly helps because she is just SO COOL...and funny...and sweet...and tries to be like the big kids and wants to play football with the boys and that nourishes me...or when she lays her sweet head on my shoulder and just snuggles in...that nourishes me...(what is it about baby's heads on your shoulder that just makes things seem ok....)

And today i am going to decorate my house for the autumn season. my wreath is already on my front door, but now for the insides. That will also help.

And lest anyone think i have just been sitting around eating bon bons and drinking wine, i have been very busy this summer....

Projects done:
Totally painted front porch after scraping and sanding it
Re Painted front door....hung pretty wreath
Fixed front porch by myself
Helped neighbors hang gate between our houses
Helped another neighbor re do her sidewalk (i relaid all the bricks after we took them out and leveled the area)
Painted two neighbors front porch railings and helped a third with hers
Cleaned the house on a regular basis
Shampooed the 2nd floor carpets
Did gardening work and have already started the wintering process for the garden
Scrubbed the alley way and my back porch
Painted the railing on my back porch

Projects yet to do before winter
Clean all windows
Fix gutter on side of house
address leaks in roof and fix or cover with rubber roofing (its a flat roof)
Get oil for heater
Winterize windows (fix one broken window)
Wash all curtains

Noursih my soul....daily.

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