So, uh today i broke a toe. Great. Right foot. Middle toe. It's swollen and purple and hurts.
Oh joy!
Everyday reflections
So, uh today i broke a toe. Great. Right foot. Middle toe. It's swollen and purple and hurts.
Oh joy!
To those who have served in the military, or are serving: Thank you.
Because of your sacrifice, dedication to Country and ability to follow the commands of those in charge through the years, i am able to not only embrace my feminity but write freely about it. i, as a woman, am able to be educated and drive and own my own house and teach others and wear short skirts and talk/have frienships with people from any other nation, if i so choose. i am not restricted to how many children i could bear. i am able to work and have whatever job i like and am qualified for. i am able to walk about freely. i can sing at the top of my lungs.
Thank you.
Another gorgeous day. The sun is hot, but the breeze is cool and clear. i love days like this. All the windows in my house are wide open allowing the air and sunshine to permeate every room. my house is perfectly cleaned and everywhere you look there is visual peace.
Visual peace is so important. Life, work, school, relationships take our time and attention and everyone needs a place where they can relax. i have chosen to make my entire house like that. i don't like clutter. (ok...except i DO have too many books lying about), i certainly don't like a dirty house, i like clean surfaces and straightened bed covers. Because when i walk in the house after a long day, or have faced something that stresses me or upsets me, i like to find refuge and peace in my own home.
Scented candles, lots of bubble bath, living plants, and even my crazy cat all provide a sense of peace and security. i look around my rooms and can relax a bit because i know that hard work and keeping them clean then provide me with a wonderful place to unwind and sleep.
Only thing that would make it better, would be a swarthy half-dressed Man to greet me!
Now THAT would be visual peace! :::grin::::
i love living in the city and for me to say that - me, who grew up on the side of a mountain, stomping in creeks, swimming in the river, walking in the woods - for me to say such a thing is a BIG deal
But here i sit - my house is clean and smells great - classical music is on my stereo, i can hear the many birds outside, i can hear some traffic going by, and i can hear the Mexican ladies who live not far away as they talk in their kitchen and hear the slaps of their hands against the tortillas as they make them. Much laughter. i see the man in the next house fixing his screen for his front window - the staple gun making a punching sound - these are all comforting sounds to me now. Granted i live in a section that is almost always a bit more quiet, but all in all - i love living in the city.
Think i'll go read on the front porch for a while...
Oh the joy to be awake at 4am. Until now, i slept deep and peacefully but for the past hour, i've been awake. i even was medicated due to back spasms on Tuesday.
Why can't i sleep???? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Maybe i should just get up and make chocolate chip cookies. Want some?
It's 4.13am. i'm wide awake. i've been awake for over an hour. There's too much on my mind and i need to relax and sleep but it's not happening.
i'm not hungry, i'm not cold, i'm not angry, i'm not sad, i'm not happy, i'm just....not sleeping.
Just a few minutes ago, i was leaving church, walking down the steps to exit the building and at the bottom of the steps was a group of children. They were between the ages of 5 and 9 or so.
i was walking down carefully, in my 4" shiny patent leather shoes and noticed that one little boys' eyes were rivited to my shoes. Not to me, not to my legs or skirt, but only my feet. And i wondered what was going on in his little head. Had he looked at me -i would have given him an understanding smile because i love to look at them too and understand the attraction to a pair of shoes, but he never lifted his eyes.
And as i've stated before, i hope that when he grows up, the love of his life will wear shoes for him that are pretty on her and that make him stare in love and lust for her.
i so love being a woman!
We're under a tornado watch here in my little city in Pennsylvania. The wind is blowing quite hard and the much needed rain is pelting my freshly washed windows! (grrrr)