Sunday, February 18, 2007

Scenes from a Rosey House

Scene 1 (8.35am):

Sleepy woman emerges from cold bedroom.  Sees cat.  Sees dead mouse beside cat. Tries not to scream.  Praises cat for giving mamma a mouse.  Cat looks pleased.  Woman finds a way to pick up (without touching) dead mouse.  Woman puts mouse in plastic bag and discards in garbage can in the sub zero degree morning.  Cat still looks pleased.  Woman feeds cat.  Cat heads to the basement. Woman begins day.


Scene 2 (12.45pm):

Woman is on way to work.  Woman hears thumping noises from dining room.  Woman dreads the meaning of thumps. Woman sneaks into dining room and sees cornered mouse, still living.  Woman stands on chair.  Cat looks at woman.  Woman looks at cat.  Cat looks at mouse.  Mouse tries to escape.  Woman screams. Cat pounces.  Cat looks at woman.  Woman yells "YOU'RE the cat.  YOU kill it - that's your job...i'm not the cat."  Cat ignores woman.  Woman descides to leave.  Cat ignores woman.


Scene 3(10.00pm)

Woman comes home from work.  Woman gingerly walks through house, flicking on every light in every room.  Woman sees dead mouse on dining room floor.  Woman discards of mouse.  Woamn praises cat who is still in the basement.


Scene 4 (3.00am)

Woman is awakened to thumping noises from cat.  Woman says "OH NO!"  Woman waits for 10 minutes then goes downstairs to investigate noises.  Woman sees cat.  Cat looks at woman.  Woman sees living mouse and gets on a chair.  Woman tells the cat to get the mouse.  Woman praises cat.  Mouse runs. Woman stands on chair.  Cat pounces.  Woman discards of mouse.  Cat heads back down to the basement.


Scene 5 (3.31am)

Woman sits on bed.  Woman cannot sleep.  Woman blogs about mice.  Woman refuses to go to basement.  Woman wonders how many more mice.  Woman is wide awake and slightly grossed out.  Woman ponders animal life.  Woman likes all animals (except roaches and rats and snakes).  Woman would prefer if mice would take up residence in the great outdoors.  Mice belong outside.  Mice do not belong in woman's house. Woman is glad she has cat. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snowy days are here again...

Hey - this white stuff is pretty cool - ok, not that ice that happened all night long,but the snow. i loved it when i was a kid, love it still.  i love that it covers everything and give the outdoors a fresh, clean look.  i love that it muffles sounds and gives quietness and peace to a typically bustling city.  i love that it brings neighbors out in droves to all work together for a common goal of shoveled walks and unstuck cars.  i love driving in it, purposefully sliding (when safe to do so) or doing a doughnut in a parking lot.

i love the way it falls, silently but relentlessly. i love that when melted, it helps to nourish the earth, bringing moisture to a parched land. 

When i was a child, i was a crazed snow eater. i loved the coldness and sometimes the crunchiness of the ice. 

So today is a day off - meant to be in the house and outdoors with neighbors.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 12, 2007


i'm hungry for something not yet known.  It's a hunger that reaches deep within me...not a  physical hunger, something deeper.  It calls to me in moments of quietness.  It urges me to acknowledge it, to feed it, to find that for which i'm searching.

i don't know what it is, i don't know where to find it, i don't even know where to start searching.

All i know is that i'm hungry....