Monday, February 1, 2010


i have found that if i try to understand and view all that has happened in Haiti in the past three weeks, i feel completely overwhelmed. Completely. Our donations, while needed, are such a drop in the bucket to help that country and the devestation is so complete--the number of amputees alone is staggering and makes one feel very small.

But i have found a blog that has helped me focus on one small organization and one couple and one clinic and that has helped me - given me knowledge, yet held off the nightmares.

i'm going to post the blog address here with one condition. The people who write the blog are American missionaries who have lived in Haiti for a long time. They believe in God. So if you are opposed to either of those things - DO NOT READ IT. Move on and find one that will suit you. But do not leave comments or remarks on their blog that tries to debate what they do or how they operate with their views on God. They have been through hell and back and to be petty and trite is not appreciated.

If you are interested in reading this and even if you disagree - and know how to be a responsible, respectful adult - please do read will get a picture of what is going on and how to donate/pray/help.


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