Tuesday, September 11, 2001. What a gorgeous beginning to the morning. The week prior and the weekend had been so hot and humid, but that day dawned, in my part of Pennsylvania, as clear, cool with deep blue skies and sunshine that was just perfect. i remember walking into work, gazing up at the sky and taking in a deep, deep breath of the early morning air. A perfect day.
How was i, or anyone, to know that less than one hour from then it would not be a perfect day at all. It would be a hellish, horrible, scary and confusing day. A day that never seemed to end but with darkness, new fears arose and nightmares had to be conquered. i don't remember going to bed that night - though i'm sure i must have slept at some time. The TV was on constantly, flipping from news station to news station, praying that someone had good news...crying...praying more...
And if it was bad for me, for those at the scenes ...well, i can't even comprehend.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007. It's still dark as i write. The air is cool but i have no idea what the weather will be. my thoughts are of another day, not in fear this time, but in quiet remembrance. i think often of those on Flight 93 who were heroes like none i've even known. Brave Men. Brave woman. Did they hope for a chance to survive or did they know? Did they know and do what they did anyway? Can you imagine how many lives they saved with their actions? Has the term "Let's Roll" ever been as precious?
So many lives, to this day, that are forever changed. Never forget.
Never forget that all political crap and crud aside we banded, as countrymen, to help each other. Neverforget the kindness of complete strangers during those days, knowing that your grief was shared by so many. Never forget the times spent in prayer to God for healing, for understanding, for protection. Never forget the incredible work of those rescuers...the firemen, the policemen, the rescue dogs, the ones who had to clean up the mess, knowing that they were on sacred ground. Never forget.
Take some time today to go to church or a memorial service or even just to pray quietly. Reflect on the good things of our country. Ask for God's continual blessing and protection. Search your own heart to see how you can make your community a better place. Go gently today.
And never, ever forget.
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