Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Refreshing the Soul

Today, like the two weeks preceding it and probably all of this week, is gloomy.  Rain, rain, clouds, fog, ick.  Not terribly cold - in fact, rather balmy, but rainy and gloomy.

However, two things have lifted my somewhat falling spirits.  On the way to work, to my left-which is the east-there appeared to be what some might refer to as sunlight.  As if there really IS a sun!  WHOOT!  That was rather exciting.  Now mind you, none of the rays actually hit my upturned face, however, the promise that the sun still shines was quite lovely.

Secondly, i quite often listen via Internet radio, to the classical station from Johannesburg, South Africa.  my boss lived there for quite some years and i started playing it for him - to tell him the weather and the traffic jams - and then he would share stories of their life there and in some small way, i was able to travel there and see it through his eyes (and his wife's and kids as they have come in and asked me about it.)  Now i just listen because i like the station.  The accent is gorgeous, the music is terrific.  As i type, it is almost 7pm in S.A. and so the music is soft and sweet, not fiddles and booming timpani drums, but rather matching of the quiet i feel from all the gloom.  Not depressing,...just nice.

i find that little things such as these refresh my soul.

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